Love Garden CCU – Khu vườn tình yêu ở CCU

#LovegardenCCU #SunflowerCCU

Welcome to Lovely Garden. Location: Location of this place on google
Thank you for visiting the Lovely Garden. You are warmly welcome to visit, enjoy the beauty of this lovely garden. Let’s share your photos on Facebook with the hashtag #LovegardenCCU #SunflowerCCU. We are looking to see your posts. Yeah yeah.

The idea of this place started in Feb 2020, when Mita and I got an idea to transform this overgrown space which was full of weed. At first, we planted 2 tomatoes, 2 herbs, and some other plant species. After months, there are currently more than 30 species, dominated by sunflowers, tomatoes, and echeveria elegans. In April 2020, we “hired” a very productive fellow named Sophia cooperating with to help this garden transformed, fancily.
For having this current situation garden, we are thankful to the individual role of living creatures like earthworms, birds, insects, bees, snails, and so on are directly or indirectly feeding these plants.

Follow me on Facebook: Mita Tran Facebook

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The pictures follow are the timelapse of how this garden has changed.

Feb 5th 2020
The first seed was sprouting, amazing ^^. Waiting is happiness
A week later. Couple tomatoes on the center top were planting by cutting. Do you believe it?
Apr 9th
Apr 9th
Apr 9th
Don’t forget your belongings here

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